Lemmy Userdata Migration

⚠️ Attention: Due to CORS shenanigans your browser or a misconfigured instance may not permit some of the requests this web applications sends. If you get an error in the log, try a different browser or a (temporarily) more relaxed security setting. There isn't anything I can do about it on my end without giving up the 100% clientside approach, unfortunately.
You can always check the console log (F12) to find out more about request errors.

How this works:

This tool exports your user data (community follows, blocklists, profile settings) and (optionally) imports them to the target account while also allowing you to modify the exported data.

1. Input your instance(s), username(s), password(s) and optionally 2FA-Token(s)

2. The clientside JavaScript code processes your inputs locally and tries to grab a special token using your provided export instance, username and password.

3. If the export token can be grabbed, it gets used to authenticate a request to grab your user data from your export instance.

4. If the userdata export was successful, another special token is attempted to be grabbed, this time from your provided import instance.

5. If the import token can be grabbed, another request to upload your user data to your import instance is attempted.

At this point, if the log is all green, the process is complete. You can safely close the window, your sensitive input and local user data gets deleted.
The use of this freely accessible web application is at your own risk. A guarantee or liability of any kind is expressly excluded.
The application runs completely clientside, no data is collected by me and no cookies are set by me.
However, jquery 2.2.2, bootstrap 3.3.6,font-awesome 4.5.0 and json-editor are imported via a CDN.
Also, due to this web application being hosted on GitHub, I have no control over what data, e.g. IP and browser fingerprint, may or may not be logged by GitHub.
Your entered username(s), password(s) and user data is processed locally in your browser and uploaded, by your browser, to the userspecified Lemmy instances.
Due to the code running locally in your browser, passwords are temporarily saved and processed in cleartext by your browser.

Instance to export settings from:

User data editor will appear after button was clicked.

Instance to import settings to:
